Sheriff Smith was the Under Sheriff In November 1990 and along with Sheriff Gillingham were in charge of stealing my justice . . . Sheriff Smith sent Crime Scene Deputies to the barn where Joshua died 22 months after his death for the 1st time and knowing that Deputy KW Klaver, Joshua’s father was his abuser she relied on the information he shared of what happened the night Joshua died as fact to fill out the report for the Child Death Review Board Report, at the same time the Sheriff Department sent Homicide Deputies to my home and they said things to me about KW that scared us, I lived in fear for years, personally I find the actions of Sheriff Gillingham and at the time Under Sheriff Laurie Smith Criminal, The State of California, Attorney Generals Office does not see it the same as I and many others do . . I refuse to let her walk away from this, people need to know what she did and then she will need to learn to live with the nightmare just like I have . Please Share